Team Joseph

Team Joseph is a non-profit founded by a mother whose son was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
Team Joseph website screens
In short
Team Joseph's founder and Well partnered up to give the brand and web presence a modern refresh.
Team Joseph

Joseph’s mom knew she needed to do something immediately to help her son navigate the challenges this rare disease would present. From her dining room table, Team Joseph was formed. Ever since, they have been funding research and directly assisting families impacted by Duchenne.

Research, a competitive analysis, and user interviews informed the design direction. We began by establishing a visual design language that worked around the existing brand/logo, then carried that through into the web design phase of the project.

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The visual design language needed to accomplish a few objectives. It needed to feel professional to fit the organization but also youthful and approachable to represent the stories of the young boys affected by Duchenne. We added rich and bold accent colors to the monochromatic green palette, designed custom iconography and badges, defined a photography treatment and style, and used a bold typography pairing to grab our audience's attention.

Interviews and research defined pain points and needs for the user interacting with the site. We used that data to inform the site structure, user flows, interactions, and functionality. Two key goals for the site were to make it easy for users to donate while understanding what their money is funding, along with a resource for Duchenne families that need assistance and how they can apply.

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